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Showing posts from June, 2014

The End and Beyond

An apathetic society, a hypocritical populous and a cynical youth. Even though we see so much improvement in the way we function, we are yet to find ourselves. We have begun to see our strengths and accept our weaknesses. But thinking about sustainable change that will last for generations to come, this model of reactive behaviour will not work. We find ourselves crumbling back to the ground every time we try to climb up the ladder. And this has killed most of our dreams. But, we need to hope again. Because in hope lies our future. The one that so much of our past defines and expects. Set out to only be the facilitator or enabler of a sustainable lifestyle for the students who are the key to the future, I found myself taken aback by someone I would have least expected, myself, only a much younger version. Looking at him, I realised the major issue within our education system. He had the will and the skill, but the lack of access and exposure limited him to the extent of crippling