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Showing posts from September, 2017

Sacrifices - A Relook

“He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much; he who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly”- James Allen I have always been at peace with the fact that I have and will have to forgo a lot in order to achieve what I wish to. It starts with a party you wanted to attend with a few friends, moves on to a wedding of a close relative, then on to some material comforts, further along to some relationships you built over years and before you know it you reach a phase where you’re efficiently maneuvering life’s obstacles in order to maintain the focus on your aspirations, on “what matters most!” When Gandhi sailed to India after his stint in Africa, did he realize that he will one day have to sacrifice everything he has, including his life, just to ensure freedom? Was he okay with it? There’s no way of knowing. But questions like these and stories such as his have always inspired me to strive harder. To take the pain beca