“He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would
achieve much must sacrifice much; he who would attain highly must sacrifice
greatly”- James Allen
I have always been at peace with
the fact that I have and will have to forgo a lot in order to achieve what I
wish to. It starts with a party you wanted to attend with a few friends, moves
on to a wedding of a close relative, then on to some material comforts, further
along to some relationships you built over years and before you know it you
reach a phase where you’re efficiently maneuvering life’s obstacles in order to
maintain the focus on your aspirations, on “what matters most!”
When Gandhi sailed to India after
his stint in Africa, did he realize that he will one day have to sacrifice
everything he has, including his life, just to ensure freedom? Was he okay with
it? There’s no way of knowing. But questions like these and stories such as his
have always inspired me to strive harder. To take the pain because there’s
something bigger to be achieved. To endure, because if not you, then who? And I
I have ruthlessly cut out things
that hinder progress. I’ve lead a minimalist life style to ensure there’s no “distraction”.
Built a structure around that helped me, that aided this process. Given all of
this, I do believe I have achieved, I have scaled heights I couldn’t have
imagined existed even a year ago. Some of these achievements give you
satisfaction, some happiness, some pride and some inspiration! Of course,
achievement is a subjective word here but you feel what you feel, there’s no
changing that. Now with each step you take, you analyze how you can move
forward, faster this time. It excites you, it matters to you because all your
life you’ve dreamt of being here, it was meant to be!
Through the process, a lot slips through the cracks. Some you care about, some you don’t but you always know that this is what you signed up for. There’s no room for comfort, no room for compromise! I reached a point where I prided myself upon the sacrifices I made. I boasted about the ability to maintain focus, to deliver, to succeed despite odds. Rightfully so! Or was it?
Through the process, a lot slips through the cracks. Some you care about, some you don’t but you always know that this is what you signed up for. There’s no room for comfort, no room for compromise! I reached a point where I prided myself upon the sacrifices I made. I boasted about the ability to maintain focus, to deliver, to succeed despite odds. Rightfully so! Or was it?
One morning I wake up to a call,
a message and later in the day a short chat. That’s all it took for 25 years of
life to come to a standstill. That’s all! For all the achievements, for all the
structures, for all the processes, for all the sacrifices, to mean nothing
compared to where I stood. I’m good at crisis management, it comes naturally!
So I switched. I tried. Thud! On my face. Perseverance is my strongest feature.
I got up, and ran as hard as I could. Baam! Head on. In a span of few days,
events brought me to a place of no return!
What I had cut out mercilessly in
order to move ahead, now sought some vengeance. Everything that had slipped
through the cracks was only decaying the ground beneath my feet, making it
weaker. With nowhere to turn to I delved into myself. I tried hard to find a
silver lining. I fought the pain to think straight. To maintain focus, on “what
actually matters most”. To try and reconcile
my past with my present.

What use is an achievement if you
can’t enjoy telling the tale? What use is the focus if it actually is only
creating a divide between you and the world? What use is the comfort that doesn’t
sustain and makes you bleed ever so often? Whatever may be the answers to my
problems, however long it might have to last, wherever it may have to take me,
I will have to focus this time on the right things. I will have to focus on certain things in my life in order to sustain, in order to keep me going. One of my seniors once said
to me, “Sacrifice does not mean you kill
everything. It means you are satisfied with what keeps you going”
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