Recently, a Police Officer died in Punjab because of terrorist violence. On the same day, one of the kids in my school was burnt by his own brother. Why? Because the 7 year old used bad language. A week before that, two kids got into a fight and one of them ended up with a torn eye lid. The father of the “accused” arrived at school and beat up his child with a big cane! Yet another 7 year old demands to be hit by the teachers lest they want him to create chaos in the class. From probably the beginning of mankind, violence has played a key role. As a society, we might abhor violence but we resort to it ever so often. Our answer for murder is capital punishment, disagreement, is war and argument, a slap! What are we trying to prove here? That violence needs to have its “right reasons?” This is how I see it and this is how it probably works as well. Child is born. It starts assimilating the countless information that is present. Slowly it starts imitating the other humans around...
Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you